How are you all? Did you manage to do the Virtual Sports Day? We had lots of great photos. We’ve done lots of PE ideas over the last weeks but sometimes we need a ‘brain break’ that isn’t PE based. When you just need a quick break, what better than doing some drawing or doodling? There’s a great video here from Rob Biddulph and if you don’t fancy drawing a cat, check out his YouTube channel for other ideas here.
Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.
Get caught reading! J Read as many books as you can this week! Ask a grown up to snap a photo of you reading your favourite book to send to me! You can be reading up a tree, in a den, reading to your pet… use your imagination but please be safe!!! If you could send me video of you reading part of your book it would make my day!
Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.
Click here to download the full week’s work for reception and here for Years 1 and 2 or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.
Ideas for Maths
We use maths a lot of the time – we use it to solve problems and to find answers to things – we often call this reasoning. There are a few problems like this on your sheet (see below) but these are things you can do throughout the day. Get a grown-up to keep challenging you with questions that require maths reasoning.
English Ideas
This week Reception children have a lot of work to do with Owl Babies (please see your worksheet) and children in Years 1 and 2 will be thinking about the Mr Men series of books. No matter which class you are in – you can all watch the Mr Strong story – some of you can try turning off the sound and seeing if you can read along yourselves.
In history this week we're thinking about the seaside!
Watch the video below.
After the programme, provide children with two blank seaside pictures (e.g. sea, beach and sky). Ask them to create two contrasting pictures (one for the Victorian era and one for now) by drawing or sticking appropriate pictures to each background. Chat about what has changed and why.