All are welcome here to walk with Jesus as we love, learn and flourish.
Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding them.
At St Mary’s RC Primary School, we take this role seriously and recognise the contribution we can make to protect and support our children and their families.
All the staff receive regular annual training around safeguarding and child protection matters. All staff know how to identify and log concerns using a system called CPOMS. We all then work to provide the necessary support and intervention.
In school Miss Claire Halstead is the Designated Senior Lead (DSL) for Safeguarding and Miss Chrissy Paterson is the Deputy DSL. Mr Michael Mulrooney is the named Governor for Safeguarding.
Miss Claire Halstead: Designated Senior Lead (DSL)
Mrs Sophie Nowell: Deputy DSL
Miss Rachel Thoburn: Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)
From time to time, all families go through situations which are difficult to cope with. We often see in the media reports on families who are, or who have been, struggling, or even in danger.
At these times, help and advice is needed but finding the right department or agency can be stressful. The Early Help Offer gives parents a framework for asking for support. School will try to support you and an assessment form may be completed, or signposting given, to provide parents and families with services who can help. This may be behaviour support, parenting advice, bereavement counselling, health advice, or for specific medical issues. The list is not finite.
At St Mary’s RC Primary, we are ready to utilise any service we need, in order to best support our pupils and their families. We are always happy to help where we can and to try and help you find the right agency to support you. We will ask for individual tailored support that best meets the needs of individual situations. If in any doubt, please come and talk to us. We are here for you.
To find out more about our early help offer, you can use the link above or click on the button in the section below.
Below are links to several policies, information about our Early Help Offer and Operation Encompass, along with the most up to date version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE Sept 2023).
Copyright © 2019 St. Mary’s Sabden All rights reserved.
Following Boris Johnson’s 8pm announcement we now know that as of midnight tonight the country has entered a new period of Lockdown, a Lockdown that includes the closure of school.
School will be open for the children of Key Workers and for pupils who are deemed vulnerable. All pupils will be provided with work in order for them to keep learning.
Tonight’s announcement was very short notice for you as parents and also for us as a Staff. Tomorrow, by 11am there will be three tasks on the school website for each Class to complete as their Tuesday learning. However, School will be closed to ALL pupils tomorrow.
Staff, however, will be in school preparing for the rest of the Lockdown. Through tomorrow we will prepare school to make it safe for Key worker pupils and vulnerable children to return.
We will send out a form for you to apply for a place in the Keyworker Bubbles and we will let you know more about how children will be learning remotely. We will do our very best to re-open to Key Worker children and vulnerable pupils by Wednesday.
I am aware of how difficult this is for you all, School closing creates a multitude of problems for everyone but data surrounding this awful disease dictates that this is a necessary step. As ever, the safety and health of everyone must be a priority.
Thank you for your continued support and we will be in frequent contact over the next few days.
Many thanks
Claire Halstead