This week's key learning
This week in maths we will be thinking all about shape – we will look at reflection, translation and symmetry. Please make sure you also do some Times Table Rockstars – ideally every day. In SPAG we will be looking closely at similies and thinking how we can use them to improve our writing, and in Topic we will be looking at Volcanoes.
And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:
9.00am and 2pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.
Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.
Today we are going to look at reflections. I’ve got some learning slides to share with you in our Teams meeting this morning. After our Teams meeting, you can watch the video, here if you need some extra practice. Once you’ve finished the lesson, there is a reflections activity to complete in the Teams folder.
For today’s reading, please watch this video about the African Lungfish. I have then put some questions on Teams for you to answer about the video. I will also share these in our Teams meeting.
For your SPAG work this week we will be looking at Similies. Click on this link, for today’s lesson, and complete screens 1 – 3.
Today in our Teams meeting, I am going to show you the cover of a new book that we are going to look at.
Using the cover, I would like you to make predictions of what you think the book is going to be about, what the story of the book will be, and what you can see – and then infer – from the picture.
Topic (Geography)
Today we are going to think about what is under our feet. We will focus on what is underground. We will talk about this together during our morning Teams session and there is also a PowerPoint in the Teams folder.
Afterwards, you will need to choose one of the following tasks:
Fill in the sheet from the Teams’ file that asks you to label the layers of the Earth.
Create your own diagram with labels of the layers of the Earth.
Use the ‘how to’ guide, click here (or see our Teams’ file) and create your own 3D model using plasticine/play doh.
Today we are continuing to look at reflections. I’ve got some more learning slides to share with you this morning and remember that you can still watch yesterday’s video, here if you need extra support. Once you’ve finished the lesson, please complete today’s activity (in Teams).
In SPAG we are continuing with similies, click here and complete the screen 4 activity or see Teams.
Today’s reading focus is a newspaper article on endangered elephants. Read the article and then answer the questions included. You will find them both in the Reading file on Teams.
I have a selection of pictures for you today all taken from the book. Your job today is to put them in the order you think that they belong, and then write the story that you think goes with them. The pictures are in our English Teams’ file.
Topic (Geography)
Today we are going to focus on volcanoes. I will share some information with you on our Teams meeting and there is a learning powerpoint in our Topic file. There is an activity for you in the Teams’ file where you can label a diagram of a volcano. There is also an activity where you could make your own volcano at home!
Today we are going to be looking at translations and learning how to translate shapes. We will start this in our Teams session, after which you can do the lesson here. Finish with today’s learning sheets.
In SPAG we are continuing to explore Similies. Click on this link, for today’s lesson, and complete screens 1 – 3.
Today’s reading questions are based on Coasts. You will find your text and the questions on Teams.
In our Teams meeting this morning, I will share the first two pages of the book. I would like you to describe what you see. I want you to think about the colours used and the mood created.
Are they different to the moods and colours used on the front cover of the book?
What time of year do you think it is and why?
Do we meet any characters on these pages?
How would you describe what they are doing and how they might be feeling?
What can you see in the picture?
Topic (Geography)
Today we are going to continue to look at volcanoes. I have included a learning powerpoint on Teams and will share some learning slides with you in our morning Teams. Today, I would like you to look at and find the volcanoes in the UK on a map (a map is in the Teams file for you) and then identify where volcanoes are around the world. These can be plotted on the world map (which is also in the Teams file).
Today we are continuing to look at translations. I will go through some more examples with you, this morning and remember that you can still watch yesterday’s video, here if you need extra support. Once you’ve finished the lesson, please complete today’s activity (in Teams).
In SPAG, please complete this task, related to yesterday’s video.
You can also find the work in Teams.
Today’s reading questions are based on Oceans. You will find your text and the questions on Teams.
In our morning Teams meeting, you will see some more pictures from the book.
What is happening?
What are the different characters doing? (What do you think the man is doing by the window?)
What colour is the sky? Can the sky be that colour? When would you be likely to see a sky this colour?
What different things can you see in the home?
These questions will help us to understand the events of the text more clearly as it develops.
Topic (Geography)
Continuing our work on volcanoes, please start with the activity (in Teams) looking at the reasons for and against living near a volcano.
Once you have completed this activity, can you tell me whether you would like to live near a volcano? Support your answer with information from the session.
Today we are going to look at symmetry and lines of symmetry within shapes. I will share our learning screens with you in the Teams meeting. You might like to listen to the NumberRock song above.
You can then find today’s activity in the Teams’ file.
Using the picture of the volcano shared on our morning Teams, can you use your simile skills from this week to write similes for the volcano scene?
Today’s reading questions are based on Seas. I’ve uploaded the reading comprehension text and questions, to the reading file on Teams.
The book ‘Flood’ does not have any writing or text. Today I would like you to choose some of the pictures and write the speech or action that you think could go with the text. You can write this as speech and action bubbles with captions or you can write this as a story underneath the text.
I have added the pictures I would like you to choose from to a Powerpoint on Teams.
Topic (Art)
I would like you to create some volcano art.
In a similar way to last week, I would like you to create a piece of artwork inspired by volcanoes. You can do this in any way you choose: 3D modelling, paint, pastel, felt tips, sculptures…it’s entirely up to you!
I will share some ideas with you in our morning Teams meeting of how you could create your artwork.