Celebrations w/e 25.09.20


Class 3 Certificates

This week certificates were awarded to Francesca, Peppe and Scarlet, for fantastic work in all lessons but, in particular, for their effort when writing a diary entry in role from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

Click here to see Francesca’s chosen pieces of work. You can view Peppe’s favourite pieces by clicking here and click here to have a look at Scarlet’s work.

Class 2 Certificates

Class 2’s winners this week were, Liam, Holly and Gabriella. Liam got his certificate for amazing maths using a mixture of strategies to solve problems, including mental maths, place value and counting up. For Holly it was her super work in RE and a great piece of writing in English that got her her reward. And Gabriella was rewarded for her super attitude in all work and especially in maths and Engish – she is a super Year 3 role model.


Class 1 Certificates

Thea, Arran and Bella were the certificate winners in Class 1 this week. Thea got hers for super phonic work, blending and segmenting and knowing the tricky words. Arran was rewarded for his outstanding work and perseverance at all times and Bella got her certificate for always lstening well and trying her hardest. And click here to see Hamza’s certificate from the first week of term.

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