All are welcome here to walk with Jesus as we love, learn and flourish.

News w/e 25th September

A huge congratulations to Miss Taylor on her wedding last weekend, she will now be known as, Mrs Holland.
The weather was great and Mr & Mrs Holland say that everything was perfect and they had an amazing day despite the added complications of Covid 19.

This week's Certificates:

Covid 19

You will have received a copy of Public Health England’s letter to parents earlier this week but you can also view a copy here.


Currently PE is taking place as much as possible outdoors, allowing us to follow the government’s Covid-19 guidance, and as the winter months are drawing ever closer and the days are getting colder, it has been agreed that your child may bring jogging type bottoms to wear outdoors during PE.

Lost Property

We have a growing pile of lost property items which are hard to reunite with their owners as they are not named. Please can you try to make sure all items have some sort of name in them? We love to return items but find it very difficult without labels.

Building Fund

If you have not already done so, please can you pay for this year’s building contribution via Parent Pay as soon as possible.

Secondary School Applications

You are now able to apply for your child’s Secondary School online (click here). Please note that the closing date is 31st of October.

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Following Boris Johnson’s 8pm announcement we now know that as of midnight tonight the country has entered a new period of Lockdown, a Lockdown that includes the closure of school. 

School will be open for the children of Key Workers and for pupils who are deemed vulnerable. All pupils will be provided with work in order for them to keep learning. 

Tonight’s announcement was very short notice for you as parents and also for us as a Staff. Tomorrow, by 11am there will be three tasks on the school website for each Class to complete as their Tuesday learning. However, School will be closed to ALL pupils tomorrow. 


Staff, however, will be in school preparing for the rest of the Lockdown. Through tomorrow we will prepare school to make it safe for Key worker pupils and vulnerable children to return. 

We will send out a form for you to apply for a place in the Keyworker Bubbles and we will let you know more about how children will be learning remotely. We will do our very best to re-open to Key Worker children and vulnerable pupils by Wednesday. 

I am aware of how difficult this is for you all, School closing creates a multitude of problems for everyone but data surrounding this awful disease dictates that this is a necessary step. As ever, the safety and health of everyone must be a priority. 

Thank you for your continued support and we will be in frequent contact over the next few days. 

Many thanks

Claire Halstead