News w/e 6th Nov

This week's Certificates:

It is with regret that the After School Clubs will unfortunately have to be suspended following the new guidelines with the second lock down. As there will only be 2 session once the restriction are lifted we have decided to postpone the clubs until January. If your child has a place as soon as we can start the clubs again they will still keep that place. There are still places on the clubs and we will offer the places out again in January.


Next Friday we will be holding a non-uniform day to raise money for Children in Need. Please send your child with a £1 donation to support this wonderful charity.

Thank you to all the parents who placed an order for their children’s Art project this will help raise some vital funds for our school fund.

Parents' Evening

We hope that you found the new parent’s evening booking system helpful, if you have not already done so please book your telephone appointment via the link sent or, click here for more information.

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