Celebrations w/e 13th November


Class 3 Certificates

This week in Class 3 our certificates went to Sam, Jacques, and James. Sam got his certificate because he always works hard and is an excellent role model for others. He presents his work neatly and always tries his best. This week, Jacques has worked very hard and really focused on independent learning. He’s been sharing his ideas with others, and shown a really good attitude in class. James has shared lots of good ideas this week and has made great contributions to class discussions and lessons. He has shared his ideas and knowledge with confidence.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Jude, Fliss and Noah. Jude got his certificate amazing effort in all his work – he is a real superstar! Fliss was rewarded for super writing in our Anne Frank biography and trying hard in all she does and Noah got his certificate for super effort in all his written work and for showing such kindness to others – he is a star.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Giorgia, Isla, Sebastian and Robyn. Giorgia got her cetificate for her beautiful and creative artwork and Isla was rewarded for her fabulous work in phonics. Sebastian was rewarded for his amazing writing about wolves and Robyn got her certificate for working super hard in improving her handwriting.

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