During these months there are often winter bugs around and at the moment the news is filled with stories surrounding the Corona Virus.
As a school we are receiving regular, updated advice around the Corona Virus or COVID-19 illness. We are continuing to follow the advice given and we are constantly reminding children about using tissues and washing hands. Updates can also be found by clicking here giving you access to the most up-to-date advice and guidance.
However we also have a stomach bug circulating amongst us. Please remember that the advice is that a child is absent from school for 48 hours after the last episode of diarrhoea or sickness. If we all follow that advice it really does help to curb its spread.
On a much brighter note the children have been involved in a little competition to grow the best daffodils. All classes were involved and when the judges came round they could not decide on a clear winner as they all looked amazing. Well done to everyone!