This week's key learning
This week we will be thinking about fractions in our maths work, and we will be taking an in depth look at our class novel, ‘Stig of the Dump’ – we will do a lot of comprehension work to help us get deeper into the story. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:
10am and 2.30pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.
Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.
Today we are learning about fractions, and we will be thinking particularly about equivalent fractions. Before you start, there is a great lesson here, it starts with a quiz to recap your knowledge. Once you’ve finished the lesson, there is an activity to complete on your worksheet.
For your writing today, imagine looking down into the pit and falling – just like Barney.
Write a description of what YOU saw in the pit – describe the sides, what was at the bottom – use adjectives and noun phrases to describe.
DRAW the objects you saw there – describe them.
Topic (R.E.)
In R.E. today we will be thinking about the jouorney through a year, and we will finish by drawing a timeline.
1) Can you start by thinking of your Christmas Holiday – what events in the holiday marked the passage of time? Perhaps you have your own family customs, or perhaps this year you introduced something new.
2) Then move out to thinking about the year – what were the key events? Think about birthdays, holidays, bonfire nights etc.
On your sheet you will find questions to prompt you. Finish by designing your own 2020 Timeline Poster (see worksheet).
Use your My Maths logins to continue working with Fractions. If you are struggling there are a range of lessons here – all of them will be able to help you.
Afterwards, there is an activity on your worksheet.
Read today’s extract by clicking on the button below. As you read, try to use all your senses to picture what is happening. How would Barney be feeling?
Topic (Science & Geography)
Today we are going to be thinking about rocks and finding out about this very exciting discovery from 2014. Look at the photo of the cliff face – can you see a man there? Amazingly, this wasn’t carved by a person, instead, over the years – nature has chiselled out the features – such is the power of rain, wind and tides.
To learn more about rocks and rock formation you can try some of the lessons here.
Can you create a factfile poster on this or some other famous rock? (Ayers rock in Australia for example, or any other interesting rock that you can find.) Use the internet to do your research, click here for more ideas, and remember to share your work with me.
Today we will be halving numbers.There is a lesson for you to watch here, and then look at your worksheet for today’s work.
Read today’s extract by clicking on the button and then do the writing activity below.
Draw thought bubbles to show what you would be thinking after your fall – 1) If you had hurt yourself 2) Where you had landed? 3) What was the strange thing in the corner? 4) Would he be safe? 5) How would he get home? Use feelings, panic, worry, fear…
Topic (Music)
Rock and roll is a type of popular dance music influenced by black rhythm and blues and white country music that originated in America during the late 1940s onwards. Watch the video and talk about how the music makes you feel. Can you make up your own dance moves?
Look at your worksheet for more work.
Today we are going to practise doing mental addition – over the years we have learned a number of strategies for doing mental calculations. Try some of the calculations above (choose your own level) and think about the best strategies. Remember – no paper or pencil, just your brains!
In English we will be learning about adverbs. Watch the video for a reminder about adverbs and then do the work on your sheet.
Topic (History)
Have look at this picture – it is a representation of what we think life was like after the Ice Age. Have a good look and talk about what you see.
What do you think is happening?
What can you say about shelter (housing) at that time? Do you think that the food was the same as today? What about transport? What do you think the people in the picture are doing?
When we are doing history, we have to behave like detectives. Can you look at these cave paintings (click here), and do the rest of the work on your worksheet?
It’s Friday! Use today to make sure you are up to date with your My Maths work and that you have logged in to Times Tables Rockstars regularly.
In English can you think about these words and how they are spelled.
business calendar caught centre century
See if someone can test you are on your spellings. Can you write a sentence with each of the words?
Topic (P.E.)
It’s important to make sure that you do some PE – try to be a bit active every day. There are plenty of YouTube ideas for PE workouts in your home, or maybe you can go for a short walk with an adult from your house. Click here to access some PE lessons from the BBC or perhaps you can create some dance moves to go with the Bill Haley song.