This Week's Top Idea!
Have you ever felt worried? There are lots of things that can make us worried, even without having school closure – we may worry about homework, or our friends, or even what our new neighbours will be like. We like this idea from Cosmic Kids, it helps us to recognise when we are worried, and reminds us that we don’t need to let our worries take over.
This Week's Learning
You can find all your learning for this week by clicking on this link.
The following sections show just a small selection of your work. You can work directly from this page and also from your worksheets.
This week, in English we will be learning about conjunctions, there are lots of activities on your worksheet. In this lesson here, you have an introdution to compound sentences – using the three main conjunctions. It would be a great recap before you get going.
There are lots of activities on your worksheet – this week we will be thinking a lot about numbers. We need to understand how numbers are made-up. The song in the video is great for reminding you about hundreds, tens and units – learning this is called Place Value. Once we’ve cracked place value we can learn different strategies for all sorts of calculations.
On the 6th of January we celebrate Epiphany – the moment when the Three Kings visited Jesus and gave their gifts. We learn about their visit in Matthew Chapter 2 and you can also see an extract in your worksheets.
Can you create a storyboard to show the events?
How about drawing a picture or doing a painting?
And finally...
Let’s get active!
Can you set up a set of exercises in the house or garden? Eg. 15 star jumps, run up and down stairs 3 times or more, touch your toes 20 times, 10 burpees, 2 minutes jogging on the spot! Get someone to take a photo or a video and send them to me – I’d love to see them.