How is your science coming along? At the beginning of our Home Learning journey we shared some experiments with eggs and books and we thought we’d share some more home science experiments. In this series of science tricks you will be learning about different properties of water – remember to do them with an adult, they’re not dangerous but we don’t want water all over the kitchen!
Each week we will give you a task that must be completed, this is your Top Terrific Task.
Years 1 & 2
Bean Bag Buckets: You have 3 beanbags. Each bag is thrown into a bucket. More than one bag can go into a bucket.
Find three ways to score 6. Find three ways to score 9. What is the highest score you can get? What if each bucket was worth 10 times the points? So, 10, 20, 30 and 40. What would be your highest score then? Remember to send me your work – use the link in the section below.
Reception Children
Maths: Make a simple diary for the week. Write or cut out and sequence the days of the week. During the week draw a picture of what you do each day and use the diary to talk about today, tomorrow, yesterday.
Click here to email me your work. I will send you a message back and if I haven’t heard from you by Friday I will get in touch to see if you need any extra help.
Click here to download the full week’s work for Reception children and here for Y1 and 2 or check out this page to find ideas and tips for different subjects.
This week you have lots of great maths activities to get on with but if you fancy a game with someone (or just to challenge yourself), we think this game – which helps you to understand the value of numbers is very good. In the video, Peter shows you how to play the game and you can download the full instructions and gameboard here.
This week older children will be developing their writing by using the Five Ws and H (see picture). If you remember to use these question words to build your writing they can help you write both fiction and non fiction. And don’t worry if you think it’s tricky to remember because the video below is a catchy tune to learn so that you’ll never forget!
Go for a walk together to see how the countryside has changed since the start of lockdown – there are questions to think about on your worksheet.
Try to find some wild flowers to take home with you. If they have fallen off the plants already that would be better. Place your flowers between two sheets of greaseproof paper — make sure it covers the whole flower so you won’t ruin your book! — and place inside the pages of a heavy book. Continue placing the rest of the flowers in various pages throughout the book then close the book firmly, applying pressure. Add additional books or objects to weigh it down and leave it undisturbed to allow the flowers to fully dry, which will take about 2-3 weeks.
After The Wait…
Use tweezers to gently remove the paper-thin flowers and help your child to arrange the pressed flowers into a design they like then glue it on the sheet of paper. This could be a picture to hang on the wall, a book mark or a greetings card. Don’t forget to show me your lovely pressed flowers.