All are welcome here to walk with Jesus as we love, learn and flourish.

Year 1/2 home learning w/c 22nd Feb

Important daily learning ideas

It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.

On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.

Use the Teach Your Monster to Read App and the Monster Phonics App to work through some of the phonics games, daily. Please also keep working on spelling some of the high frequency words on the word card that we sent home in the homework books. Try to apply the words in sentences too. Phonicsplay and Twinkl are other excellent sites containing phonics activities and games. We are currently working on Phase 5/6 phonics with Year 1 and 2.

I will be adding any Monster Phonics PowerPoints and resources which you could try at home, to a folder on Teams. That way, you will be able to access these even if you can’t make the meetings. You also have access to their learning resources during this period of home learning. You can find the details by clicking on the Monster Phonics button below.

Practical Maths is the best way for children to learn, so please do not feel that your child has to complete the worksheets. You could use toys, raisins or dried pasta as counters. If you don’t have a printer, the sheets can be completed on paper or in an exercise book..

And don’t forget our live lesson which will be held at:

11.30am every day. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.

Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.

Last Week's Star Learners!




This week we are continuing to focus on Place Value to 50. Start by doing the lesson together here. It looks at one more and one less.

Follow this up with some practical activities to try to practise what you learned in the video. There are also some resources on teams.

I have also set some My Maths tasks that the children could try. On Teams, there is a list of logins for the children to access Numbots (Year 1) and TT Rockstars (Year 2). The Numbots app is very easy at first but does get harder and is really good for embedding number facts. Please don’t try to do everything- pick and choose the activities that work best for your child.


This week we are going to be learning about traditional tales. (A story that is well-known/ a story that gets told over and over again.) Start by looking at the PowerPoint in Teams (or use the slideshow above).

Following this, look at the pictures of the ‘Traditional Story Characters’. Go through each one, name the character and say what you know about them. Cut out or draw the characters and try to write a sentence about each one.

Topic (Art)

We are going to think about portraits.

Try to create a portrait of a family member. Use pencil crayons or wax crayons to show colour. (Think really carefully about the colours that you choose.) Have a look at some Royal portraits online – like the one here, of Henry VIII – to gather some ideas, then try to recreate your own portrait in a similar style.

As a different challenge, have a bit of fun by cutting images of different facial features from magazines and newspapers and use them to create a collage of a funny face!



Today you are going to complete the second part of the lesson on one more and one less. Please start by doing the lesson here, after which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. There are also some resources on Teams.

Please remember to do some reading and phonics work, every day. There are plenty of ideas in Teams and don’t forget to use the Logins detailed in the Key Learning section above.


Recap the work done yesterday about what a traditional tale is. Read the story of Cinderella. What do you like about the tale? What do you not like? Today you are going to try to complete a ‘Role on the Wall’ for Cinderella (See the template on Teams).  (Parents, a ‘Role on the Wall’ is a way of teaching children to visually map out what they know about a character by writing words and captions on and around a picture of the character. You might include facts such as appearance, gender, location and occupation, as well as inferred ideas such as likes/dislikes, friends/enemies, opinions, secrets and dreams.) You can see an example of one for Matilda, above.

Topic (Science)

Weather investigation – create your own weather gauge for your garden. You could use an old plastic bottle and mark the measures up the side or you could add a wooden spoon (see photo) or a ruler to help to measure the rainfall. Over the next few weeks, you could measure how much rain there is and write the information on a chart. Hopefully there will not be too much rain!



Today we are going to focus on comparing objects to 50. Please watch the lesson here and then do some practical maths together. Don’t forget there are resources for you to use on Teams as well.


Today you are going to do some drama to try to develop your knowledge of the different characters in the story. Re-read the story of Cinderella then look at the ‘Role on the Wall’ that you did yesterday to recap on her character. Today you will step through a magic mirror and become one of the characters from the story. Answer questions from your family whilst pretending to be Cinderella or Prince Charming. How did your character feel at different parts of the story? Ask your family to step through the magic mirror and become the different characters too. Ask them questions. For example, you might ask one of the ugly sisters why they were so mean to Cinderella.  

Topic (History)

How have you changed over time?

Collect photos of yourself from over the last few years and place them in order. Discuss ways in which you have changed. What can you do now that you didn’t used to be able to do? (It might be fun if Mums and Dads did this too to enable the children to see how you have changed as well!)

Create a time line showing photos from your life along with dates/ years and captions. What can you remember about the events? How old were you when they happened?



Today we will continue on our number journey to 50 by comparing numbers within 50. Please do the lesson here and then follow it up with some practical activities and look out for any resources on Teams.


What is a diary and what it is used for? Look at the example diary entry for Little Red Riding Hood in the English folder on Teams and discuss it. Do you remember how cruelly Cinderella was treated by her step-sisters? They made her do jobs, she didn’t have a bed, the step-sisters treated her like a servant etc. How do you think this made her feel? Pretend to be Cinderella and complete the diary entry that has been started for you on the ‘Dear Diary Cinderella’ document on Teams.

Topic (R.E.)

RE: Read the story of The Last Supper based on Luke 22: 19-20.  It is in the RE folder on Teams. Explain that this was the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples before he died.  After Jesus died, his friends would meet together and celebrate as he had asked them to.

Today, people still celebrate this special meal when they gather for Mass.  The priest repeats the words Jesus said at the Last Supper; “This is my body and this is my blood.”  This is Jesus giving himself to us. You might discuss the following:

Why was this called the Last Supper?

What did Jesus do and say?

What food and drink did Jesus and his friends share?

What did Jesus ask people to do?

During Mass who does what Jesus did at the Last Supper?


Use the Last Supper picture from Teams or draw your own picture of the Last Supper.  Add post it notes or stick on small pieces of paper to add speech bubbles to show what you think everyone might have been saying at the Last Supper.

Fabulous Friday!

There will be a Class Worship Teams meeting instead of the regular curriculum-based Teams meeting each Friday now.


Rather than having formal home learning, on Fridays we would like you to have a day focusing on your wellbeing.  Today you might like to go for a long walk and look for signs of Spring. While outside, why not try an outdoor scavenger hunt… I wonder who will be the first to find them all? Little Oak Learning have created a fantastic ‘Introduction to Nature Journaling’ document that outlines some simple and collaborative ideas to get the whole family involved in nature. The Nature Journal, Scavenger Hunt and some Activity Cards can all be found in the ‘Fabulous Friday Wellbeing Activities’ folder on Teams alongside other activity suggestions. 

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Username: Awesome Class 1

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This week we will be looking at words with – au – and – air -, along with words starting with the prefix ‘un’.

Our focus words for the week are sea – tea – eat – each – really – please – other – mother – another.

Please make sure you practise some of your High Frequency words too. These are the words we really need to know by sight as they often do not follow the usual phonic rules.

As you know, we use Monster Phonics in school, and, to support parents through home learning, they are providing free access to their resources.

Login Here and use:


Password: Homelearning


Following Boris Johnson’s 8pm announcement we now know that as of midnight tonight the country has entered a new period of Lockdown, a Lockdown that includes the closure of school. 

School will be open for the children of Key Workers and for pupils who are deemed vulnerable. All pupils will be provided with work in order for them to keep learning. 

Tonight’s announcement was very short notice for you as parents and also for us as a Staff. Tomorrow, by 11am there will be three tasks on the school website for each Class to complete as their Tuesday learning. However, School will be closed to ALL pupils tomorrow. 


Staff, however, will be in school preparing for the rest of the Lockdown. Through tomorrow we will prepare school to make it safe for Key worker pupils and vulnerable children to return. 

We will send out a form for you to apply for a place in the Keyworker Bubbles and we will let you know more about how children will be learning remotely. We will do our very best to re-open to Key Worker children and vulnerable pupils by Wednesday. 

I am aware of how difficult this is for you all, School closing creates a multitude of problems for everyone but data surrounding this awful disease dictates that this is a necessary step. As ever, the safety and health of everyone must be a priority. 

Thank you for your continued support and we will be in frequent contact over the next few days. 

Many thanks

Claire Halstead