Important daily learning ideas
It’s important to keep reading a little every day, The Oxford Owl website is brilliant – click on the button below to find the link and your login details.
On the side of each book is a little colour marker. The Year 1 children are best to choose books with red, yellow or blue markers to start off with. Year 2 will be able to read the books with green, orange, turquoise and purple markers. The books get progressively harder as you scroll through the colour bands.
Also try to do some daily Phonics. If you have the Teach My Monster to Read App it is a great place to start and we will be sharing other resources during the week.
And don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:
11.30am everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.
Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.
In today’s learning we will be counting forwards and backwards to 20. Start by doing the lesson together here. Once you’ve finished the lesson – perhaps you can practise what you’ve learned together. We will be sharing more ideas throughout the week.
Our topic for this half term is ‘Penguins, Possums and Pigs’. What are they? What do you already know about the three animals?
Look for information and pictures of all three animals. What do they look like? Where do they live? What do they eat? After your research decide which one is your favourite. Why do you like it?
Which one would you like as a pet and why? Draw a picture of your chosen animal and then write a bullet point list below of the reasons why you would like it as a pet.
Topic (Geography)
Last week we used Google Earth to compare the hot and cold places in the world. Following on from that, this week we are going to compare the animals that we might find there by doing some research.The Oak Academy Geography lessons on continents are very good (click here) – especially the Antarctica and Africa lessons. If you click on the photo (left) you will be able to watch a lovely clip of animals in the snow. David Attenborough has produced lots of beautiful documentaries which would be well worth watching. His ‘Seven Worlds, One Planet’ series is available on BBC iplayer.
Today, in maths, we will be thinking about numbers from 11 to 20. There’s a great lesson here, after which it would be brilliant if you do a few practical activities together. These are things you can do in your everyday life. Like counting out 12 potatoes, or thinking, I’ve got 15 pairs of socks. How many would I have if I got one more pair.
English: Using the video above, watch or read through the story and make predictions about what might happen next. Discuss the story – which bit was your favourite? Were there any funny parts? Think about the 4 question words – ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’. Use each word to think of a question to ask about the story. Try to write your questions down- remember to use a question mark.
Topic (Art)
Over the next few weeks, we are going to work on our drawing and sculpting skills using the theme of ‘penguins’. To begin, join in with a ‘Draw with Rob’ session where you can draw Penguin Blue. Draw Penguin Blue once and then try again, this time making your drawing bigger or smaller. Experiment, using different colours and sizes for your penguin. There are some lovely characters to draw on Rob’s website so maybe have a try at some others too!
Today we will be learning about tens and ones. Please watch the lesson here and then do some practical maths together.
Watch ‘Wanted: The Perfect Pet’ again. Talk again about why Henry wants a dog. What can ducks actually do? If we had a penguin for a pet what would it be able to do? Write some sentences using your ideas.
Topic (Music)
Please pick any of the lessons here – they are great fun. Let me know which ones you have done.
We are still thinking about tens and ones. Please do the lesson here and then look out for your worksheets (on Teams or by email).
How do you think the duck felt in ‘Wanted:The Perfect Pet’ when Henry wants a dog and not a pet duck. Around a picture of a duck (there is one in the folder on Teams), write as many words and phrases as you can to describe the duck and how he felt.
Topic (R.E.)
What happens when we go to Mass? The parish church is where the parish family gathers. Just like at home or in school everyone has their part to play in the parish family. It is a community. Look at the interactive game on Teams (it is in the files on the General Channel for both Reception and Year 1 and 2) It is called Church Story Activity. This might take a while to appear in your downloads. In the first picture, people are welcoming those who are coming to church. Try the drag and drop activity.
Church is full of special people and people who help us. Over the next few weeks we are going to learn more about what these people do to help us. Remember that although there are people with special roles at Mass, everyone who is there is important and joins in by praying, listening, singing by saying the responses and by going forward for a blessing.
Today we are thinking about one more and one less. Please do the lesson here, and then look out for your worksheet on Teams.
Today I want you to think about nouns and proper nouns. Your name always begins with a capital letter but there are some other words which always start with a capital letter too. Work through the powerpoint about proper nouns in the folder on Teams then try to write the names of some people and places that start with a capital letter.
Topic (P.E.)
Be active! Go for a walk, ride your bike, learn how to skip with a rope. Don’t forget the daily PE with Joe Wicks which is live every morning at 9am. Cosmic Kids Yoga is also lovely, you can find sessions on you tube to follow (see link), and they also have an App (fees apply).