This week's key learning
This week we will be thinking about fractions in our maths work, and we will be taking an in depth look at our class novel, ‘Stig of the Dump’ – we will do a lot of comprehension work to help us get deeper into the story, and we will also have some comprehension activities taken from other books. Please do get in touch with me as often as you can, and don’t forget our live lessons which will be held at:
10am and 2.30pm everyday. This will be your chance to learn directly with me and to see your friends.
Click here to download this week’s work, and continue reading for quick access to all your links and other information.
Today we are thinking about finding fractions of amounts, and looking at the maths strategies that we use to help us do this. Watch the video above and then check your worksheet for today’s work. There are lots of challenges on there – and you can choose the level that you think is right for you.
For your READING, please finish Chapter One of Stig of the Dump – you’ll find it in your Teams folder.
Today, for your WRITING activity, I’d like you to describe what you see in Stig’s cave. You will need to look back in your reading for clues, and think of some of your own ideas. I’ve put an idea on your worksheet
DRAW the cave and the objects you have described
Topic (R.E.)
In R.E. today, we will be thinking about the Liturgical Year. Click on the button below to read about the Liturgical Year and answer the questions below.
How is the Church’s year marked?
When does it begin and end? Why do you think it happens like this?
What do you notice about the colour used at different times?
Choose one (or both) of the following art activities – don’t forget to show me your work.
Design a Liturgical calendar that accurately represents the Church’s year using signs, symbols and colours to denote the different seasons and feasts.
Create a collage or piece of ART in remembrance of the journey of Jesus, his life, death and Resurrection.
We are continuing to work on fractions today – we will be modelling fractions, finding fractions, and finding fractions of amounts. You’ll find all your work in Teams, and for extra practice/revision, why not do the lesson here?
Today you need to read some of Chapter 2 from Stig of the Dump. You can find the section in Teams.
When you’ve done that, think about Barney taking carrots to Stig. If you were taking something what would it be, and why? Think about things that Stig may find useful.
For your writing, we are going to think about using speech in our writing. Write what you would say to Stig, when you took his gift – how would you say it, and how would you explain why you’ve taken it and what Stig can do with it. Use speech bubbles or inverted commas to show the speech in your writing.
Topic (Science)
In science we are continuing to learn about rocks. Today we will be thinking about the difference between naturally occuring rocks and man-made rocks (things like bricks are man-made).
There are some activities you need to complete in Teams – you may also like to watch the video to find out more about rocks.
Today we will be adding and subtracting fractions.There is a video for you to watch here, and then look in the Teams folder for your follow-up work sheets.
Read today’s extract by checking Teams, and then complete the Reading Comprehension work.
Today we are making predictions.
Predict – Will Stig still be there when Barney returns after the Christmas holidays?
Write what you think will happen next?
Topic (PSHE)
In PSHE we are thinking about Dreams and Goals. Take a look at the pictures above.
Which person do you think is facing the biggest challenge. Do you think that this is the same challenge for everyone, perhaps what one person sees as a challenge, for another person it is just normal.
For each person, think about:
What might be the challenge they face?
Who faces the greatest challenge?
Who might be the most successful at mastering their challenge?
Today we are going to be rounding numbers. Start by watching the video here.
Look in your My Maths, and also on Teams for some challenges and work sheets to complete.
In English there are two comprehension exercises to complete on your worksheet. You can also find the extracts by clicking on the buttons below.
Topic (History)
We are going to be learning about Stonehenge in history. There is a lot to learn about here at BBC Bitesize, and here at National Geographic Kids. You can also watch this video.
After you’ve done all your research:
Create a fact file poster or leaflet about Stonehenge.
Draw do a sketch/pencil drawing of Stonehenge.
Make sure you share your work with me – either by using the Contact button at the top of this post or during one of our live lessons.
It’s Friday! Use today to make sure you are up to date with your My Maths work and that you have logged in to Times Tables Rockstars regularly.
In English can you think about these words and how they are spelled.
certain circle complete consider
See if someone can test you are on your spellings. Can you write a sentence with each of the words?
Topic (P.E.)
It’s important to make sure that you do some PE – try to be a bit active every day. There are plenty of YouTube ideas for PE workouts in your home, or maybe you can go for a short walk with an adult from your house. Click here to access some PE lessons from the BBC or perhaps you can show your family one of coach Leigh’s dance/exercise routines.