Celebrations w/e 7th May


Class 3 Certificates

This week Amelia, Harvey and Scarlet have gained certificates. Amelia was rewarded for her sensible and mature attitude during this week’s Science and SRE lessons, whilst Harvey and Scarlet both got their certificates for their hard work in everything – but especially during writing about characters and approaching new methods of written multiplication in maths.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Isabelle, Hugo and Gabby. Isabelle got her certificate for wonderful writing and super work in decimals, whilst Hugo was rewarded for his great effort in all work and his kindness to others. Gabby was rewarded for using great detail in her writing and putting in 100% effort with all she does.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Anabella, Ella, Robyn and Dominic. Anabella got her certificate for her wonderful effort with reading and writing, and Ella was rewarded for sharing some very thoughtful ideas about staying healthy. Robyn got her certificate for writing super instructions, using bossy verbs and Dominic got his certificate for sharing his super scientific knowledge about the parts of plants that we can eat.

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