Celebrations w/e 4th Dec


Class 3 Certificates

This week James, Enya and Reece have gained certificates.

James and Enya were both awarded certificates for their fantastic maths using the grid method. They both worked really hard and, even when errors were made, they tackled them with enthusiasm and confidence!

Reece got his certificate for working really hard all week. He recognised errors in his own work and made changes, he concentrated on his learning, and shared fantastic answers.



Class 2 Certificates

Our certificate winners in Class Two were Thomas, Eden and Islay. Thomas got his certificate for good effort in maths studying time, and for his writing about the robin in English. Eden was rewarded for some great writing in our ‘Coming Home’ topic – writing about our robin, and in history describing The Pedlar recount in Pendle Witches. Islay was rewarded for amazing effort in all work especially her writing in RE, history and English.


Class 1 Certificates

Our four certificate winners in Class One this week were Dominic, Isla, Eliza and Arran.  Dominic got a certificate for his super reading and writing – he always presents his work beautifully. Isla was rewarded for her beautiful singing – she sang on her own in front of the whole class. Eliza got a certificate for her brilliant effort during phonics and guided reading, and Arran was rewarded both for his brilliant moving picture, and his great effort in phonics and guided reading.

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