Celebrations w/e 23rd October


Class 3 Certificates

This week Josh, Hannah and Oliver have gained certificates. The class have been writing stories based on the novel, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and all the certificates were linked to that work. Josh got his certificate for using fantastic language in his writing, he was very proud of it and you can click here to see. Hannah was rewarded for her fantastic sentences including both speech and description, she also worked really hard on her handwriting. Click here to see Hannah’s work. Oliver also produced some fantastic written work, of which he was rightly proud. Click here to see the work he has chosen to share.


Class 2 Certificates

In Class Two our certificate winners were, Isabelle, Ella and Ava. Isabelle got her certificate for putting 100% effort into all her work and especially writing and maths, whilst Ella was rewarded for her great effort writing with a pot on her arm! Ava got her certificate for some great maths work studying bar charts and pictograms, along with her super work in R.E. learning about the sacrament of Baptism.


Class 1 Certificates

We had four certificate winners in Class One this week – Freddie, Freya, Tilly and Eliza. Freddie was rewarded for being a kind and caring friend and Freya got her certificate for looking after the younger children so well. Tilly was rewarded for her super, independent writing and Eliza for her super counting skills along with joining in so well on the carpet.

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