We know you have missed school because of this terrible virus. It must be hard for you to understand why you have had to stay at home and why you’ve not been able to play out with your friends.
Some of you might feel angry or sad and we understand that. Some of you might feel worried about coming back to school and that’s ok.
We have been working extremely hard to make school a safe place for when you return to school. However some things will be a little bit different. This page will help you to see what it will be like when you return to school.
We will be updating this page regularly so try to remember to come back and check for updates.
Some changes in school
School is going to look a lot different when you arrive back. In the slide show below you can see already how things are changing. Watch it together as a family and talk about what you see in the photos. How does it make you feel?
Washing our hands
Washing our hands is now very important. We need to do it as soon as we arrive at school but also at many other times throughout the day. Washing our hands is one of the best ways to keep us safe and healthy. Watch the video for a handy song to help us know how long to wash our hands.
Hand Sanitiser
You will see plenty of these around school. Your teachers will get you to rub this on your hands regularly. You will also be asked to wash your hands lots of times too. We will ask you to wash them as soon as you arrive in school, before and after you eat, when you come in from playtimes, when you have been to the toilet and before you go home.

PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment and people wear it to keep themselves safe. In the photo there is a plastic apron, a paper mask and some blue plastic gloves. Through each day you will see staff wearing these. If we need to clean something or if you need first aid we will definitely put on gloves and an apron. We will use a mask if we have to get really close to you to help you with something. The PPE will help us not to pass any germs to each other.