This Week’s Top Idea! Have you ever felt worried? There are lots of things that can make us worried, even without having school closure – we may worry about homework, or our friends, or even what our new neighbours will be like. We like this idea from Cosmic Kids, it helps us to recognise when […]
Category Archives: Class Three
Home Learning Task: January 5th
Home Learning for Class One Hello, we are so sad that we won’t see you for a few weeks – but we will be learning together every day. It would be a really good idea if you set yourself up a little learning zone where you can complete your home learning tasks over the next […]
Celebrations w/e 11th December
Class 3 Certificates Our three winners in Class 3 were Fletcher, Saul and Christian. Fletcher got his certficate for always contributing well to class discussions, and sharing his ideas. He has worked hard in all curriculum areas. Saul was rewarded for working hard and presenting his work beautifully. He has written with lovely description too, […]
It’s Christmas at St Mary’s
A Victorian Christmas This year we decided to take a Victorian Christmas as our theme. We learned a lot about how people would have celebrated Christmas in Victorian times and we had a great time making our decorations. Sometimes we go to Gawthorpe Hall to experience a Victorian Christmas but, as we couldn’t do that […]
Celebrations w/e 4th Dec
Class 3 Certificates This week James, Enya and Reece have gained certificates. James and Enya were both awarded certificates for their fantastic maths using the grid method. They both worked really hard and, even when errors were made, they tackled them with enthusiasm and confidence! Reece got his certificate for working really hard all week. […]
Testing Finger Foods
Evaluating Finger Foods As part of our DT topic in Class 3, the children have evaluated and analysed pre-bought finger foods that may be found at a Christmas buffet. We had a list of categories for making our evaluations, including smell, appearance, texture, taste, whether it was healthy or unhealthy and finally, whether it was […]
Celebrations w/e 20th Nov
Class 3 Certificates This week Joseph, Saul and Oliver won the certificates in CLass 3. Joseph got his certificate for working really hard, he is always ready to help others, and he consistently produces great work. Saul’s certificate was awarded for his beautiful artwork. He was given a huge art task this week and he […]
Celebrations w/e 13th November
Class 3 Certificates This week in Class 3 our certificates went to Sam, Jacques, and James. Sam got his certificate because he always works hard and is an excellent role model for others. He presents his work neatly and always tries his best. This week, Jacques has worked very hard and really focused on independent […]
Celebrations w/e 06th November
Class 3 Certificates There were three certificate winners in Class 3, Charlotte, Noah and Eleanor. Charlotte got her certificate because she always has a smile on her face and she worked so hard on her writing making sure that she added great descriptions. Noah was rewarded because he tries so hard in all his lessons, […]
Celebrations w/e 23rd October
Class 3 Certificates This week Josh, Hannah and Oliver have gained certificates. The class have been writing stories based on the novel, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and all the certificates were linked to that work. Josh got his certificate for using fantastic language in his writing, he was very proud of it […]